Community Profile

Coronach is located in south-central Saskatchewan, Canada. Located only 19 kilometers (12 miles) northwest of the Ports of Coronach & Scobey Montana, it is easily accessible to major centers in Saskatchewan, Montana, and North Dakota. Agricultural, mining, and power generation are the major economic drivers for the regional economy. The population within Coronach’s immediate trading area is 2500 people with approximately 600 people in the Town of Coronach. The community will be heavily affected by the federally mandated ending of coal-generated power by 2030. However, infrastructure investment and business attraction are a top priority as the community is continuing to seek new ways of diversifying the local economy. A team has been assembled to attract and support businesses appropriate for our area and we are ready to hear from you!

Coronach in Numbers

For regional data, please visit the SSR Regional Partnership website here.

Industry Profiles and Investment Opportunities

Through our partnership with the South Saskatchewan Ready Regional Economic Partnership (SSR), the four industry pillars below have been identified as top industries for development in the area.

For more information on each pillar, visit the SSR website here.


The Town of Coronach’s infrastructure is capable of comfortably maintaining a population of 1800 residents.

  • Water Supply Source – 600,000 gallon wells
  • Sewage – Lagoons
  • Broadband – 450 MGB download speed with fibre coming soon!
  • Highway – located on secondary highway #18.
    See map for Saskatchewan Highways Weigh Classifications
  • Rail – 606 km shortline owned by Great Western Railway.
    See map for Saskatchewan Rail Network
  • US Border – Coronach is located 19 km north west of the Ports of Coronach & Scobey Montana. The Port of Scobey is located 22 km north of Scobey, MT which is approximately 150 km north of US #2 highway. Coronach is 85 km west of the Ports of Regway and Raymond Montana.
    Learn more at
  • Poplar River Power Station – operated by SaskPower and is located 10km southeast of Coronach. An integral part of the operation is the Morrison Dam, Cookson Reservoir and Poplar River Coal Mine. The power station incorporates two 300-megawatt steam turbine driven generators. The building has a ground floor of 72,658 square feet and is 246 ft high. The stack is 25 feet in diameter at the base and 400 feet in height.
  • Poplar River Mine – owned and operated by Westmoreland Coal Company northeast of Coronach. It’s total coal production is used by the Poplar River Power Station for fuel. The lignite coal is exposed with two draglines. It is transported to the power station by a privately owned rail line.

Agriculture Yields

Coronach is located in the Brown Soil Zone. The rolling land is nearly all suitable for grain farming, although some areas are only suitable for grazing and ranching.

The land is mostly strip-farmed and is suitable for most Western Canadian crops such as durum, canola, oats, flax, rye, mustard, pulses and winter wheat. Some of the highest protein concentrated wheat in the world is grown in this area and it is a major supplier of pulses to the international market.

2019 Crop Yields:

  • Canola: 31.4 bu/acre
  • Pea 1350.5 lbs/acre
  • Spring Wheat: 35.6 bu/acre
  • Barley: 53.4 bu/acre
  • Mustard: 625.8 lbs/acre
  • Durum: 47 bu/acre
  • Oats: 57 bu/acre
  • Lentils: 1115 lbs/acre
  • Flax: 23.6 bu/acre

Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, 2019 RM’s 10, 11, 12, 40, 42

Industries in Community

Industries active in our community include:

  • Accommodations
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive Services
  • Banking
  • Beauty Salons
  • Catering
  • Cleaners
  • Clothing
  • Consulting
  • Construction
  • Convenience Stores
  • Electricians
  • Insurance
  • Gas Stations
  • Grocery Store
  • Massage Therapy
  • Natural Health
  • Pharmacy
  • Photography
  • Plumbing
  • Restaurants
  • Specialty Shops
  • Storage
  • Welders
  • Yard Maintenance

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