Coronach Health Center

The Coronach Health Center located at 240 South Avenue East is the central location for health services in Coronach.

The Coronach Health Center was built in 1992 and is managed by Saskatchewan Health Authority, the single provincial health authority in SK.

The Health Center is home to the laboratory, EMS, public health nurse, and the medical clinic for the doctor, and nurse practitioner appointments. It also consists of 12 long-term care beds and 4 multi-purpose beds. Meals on Wheels and home care is also available through the Health Center.

The closest Emergency room is located 80km northwest of Coronach in Assiniboia.

Doctor, Nurse Practicioner & Laboratory

A rotating Doctor from Assiniboia is in Coronach on Tuesdays and Dr.Glaeske is in on Thursdays.

Labortory services are avaiable Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:00am – 4:00PM

Public Health Nurse is avaiable Mondays & Tuesdays

No Walk-ins – all appointments must be booked ahead of time, including the lab.

Phone numbers:

Coronach Clinic for booking Doctors appointments on Tuesdays (Admin in Monday and Tuesdays) – 306-267-2200

Dr Glaeske appointments call 306-642-3365 or 306-640-6659

Coronach Lab – 306-267-2524

Public Health Nurse – 306-267-5705

Provincial Health Line – 811

Emergency & Ambulance – 911

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Line – 988

Additional Health Services

Blood pressure clinics are held weekly on Thursdays at Southwinds from 10:00-11:00am and Fridays at Pretty Valley Lodge from 10:00-11:00am.

If you are needing appointments on a different day than offered in Coronach Doctors also serve neighbouring communities on the following days:

Rockglen – Clinic & lab – Tuesdays & Thursdays – 306-476-2209

Willow Bunch – Clinic & Lab – Wednesday & Friday -306-473-2310

The Coronach Connection newsletter has a monthly calendar of services for all communities. Click here for the most recent issue.