Library Family Game Night

Library 111 Centre Stree, Coronach, SK, Canada

Everyone welcome and feel free to bring your own game.

Cashflow Canvas Workshop


UPCOMING WORKSHOP: CASHFLOW CANVAS Brought to you free-of-charge by the Town of Coronach, this workshop will help you nail down your business numbers. With more than 30 years of experience in entrepreneurial finance, expert Taunya Richardson will provide you with the information you need to help master your business budget! Attend the virtual session on […]


Upcoming Lunch and Learn: Social Media Time Savers

Business Hub (baement of Conexus)

Upcoming Lunch and Learn: Social Media Time Savers Let's face it.... Creating content for social media is hard work. Trying to come up with fresh ideas…making time to take the photo and think of something to write...and hey, even scheduling the post takes time. Brought to you by the Town of Coronach, Social Media Time […]


Christmas In Coronach

Great ready to celebrate the holidays and do some Christmas shopping! For the complete list of events and specials check out the December issue of the Coronach Connection. If you would like to participate in the parade contact Mike Martin @ 306-265-7980 If you are having any special sales or event(s) and want to be […]

Town Council Meeting

Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month unless otherwise posted.

Faith Like a Farmer


Farmers coming together online April 2 to see a harvest of Sask Souls at Mosaic Stadium in June. Free Online Vision Cast


Ladies Night Fundraiser

Coronach Curling Rink

Fundraiser for the Fitness Centre